All About Baby: Luc Lessard's Adventures

Monday, October 30, 2006

Cousin Caiden's visit in August!
In August, Luc's Grandma Vera, Auntie Pam and Cousin Caiden came to visit. We had a great time - went to see Dad play hockey and did lots of playing around the house.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Pumpkin Picking and Trips to the Farm!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

UPDATE: New favorite thing for Luc: The BUMBO Seat. As soon as baby can hold his head up, he can sit in the Bumbo - it's so fun. He looks like a little adult sitting in it!

Favorite things of a brand new mom....

Written by Luc's Mom, Megan:

I did a favorite things of a pregnant woman a while back, and I thought I'd get a new list going of the things I can't live without as a mom...

1) A Tummy Time Mat! I have the gymini activity gym - Luc is really starting to bat and kick at the toys...

2) A swing - a place for Luc to sleep, a place to plop Luc so I can do some laundry, a place for Luc to sit other than my arms. We have the baby papasan and I'm very happy with it :)

3) Bag Balm - it turns out this is cheaper and works GREAT for diaper change time (not to treat diaper rash but for prevention)...

4) USED receiving blankets...they are the best b/c they are so soft!

5) NUGO bars - great for those 2AM feedings in the beginning when I was starving all the time!! Yummy flavors too - chocolate, vanilla and peanut butter. Tastes like a rice krispie treat with chocolate on top (but they are made with beet juice so they are healthy!)

6) The Boppy Newborn Lounger. Everyone knows about the boppy - but the Lounger ROCKS. We use it for sitting up in, feeding on, propping Luc up for story time, This puppy gets lots of use. A EURO pillow case can fit over it so the fabric doesn't get ruined.

7) I like NUK pacifiers the best - I figured out we need about 10 to make sure we can always find one. Store them everywhere :)

My Graco Metrolite stroller works awesome, so does the Baby Bjorn, the Bouncer, etc - but those are pretty standard :)